Sleep Better

Improve your Sleep.

It is so good. To my daughter’s chagrin, I love to sleep.  She is convinced that staying up all night is the best thing ever (she is only 7).  But I know, that I love nighttime and I love sleep time.   

One of the things I love is a dark, cold room with minimal noise.   With the weather changing, it is easier to get fresh air into my bedroom and keep the temp cool.  I also put in light blocking curtains to keep my bedroom dark. 

I turn off all my electronics (don’t love those notifications waking me up) and get a great night’s rest.

What are some of your favorite things to do for a good night sleep?

According to the New York Times “Putting down your phone may help you live longer”

The average Canadian spends 4 hours a day on their phone.  We are literally addicted to our phones.  I want to change that, do you?  Why don’t we put our phones down, turn off notification for apps we don’t need, avoid checking our phone just because.    

See what the world holds beyond our phones.

Let us know how it goes?

PS I’d love your feedback. Please share your tips, challenges and triumph with our group.  Pilates in Guelph Downtown and South is about community. 

It makes us stronger

Pilates in Guelph Downtown

26 Eramosa Rd



Pilates in Guelph South

17 Goodwin Dr

519 827-1588


Health Benefits of Garlic


Put Down Your Phone