Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is truly one of the most amazing superfoods. Not only does it add depth of flavour to many of our favourite meals, it contains more than one hundred biochemicals that can work to help your body. These biochemicals do everything from lowering cholesterol to fighting off viruses. Here are four ways garlic works to support your body’s health:


1. Garlic is antiviral and anti-fungal.

Garlic has been used for centuries for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. The chemical component of garlic (allicin) has been shown to prevent the growth of the candida albicans fungus in humans which makes garlic an ideal prebiotic to help promote intestinal health.

2. Garlic helps reduces cholesterol.

The powerful antioxidant properties of garlic work to prevent free radical damage in the arterial lining and help prevent the formation of scar tissue in arteries. This support helps stop the initiation of atrial plaque build-up.

3. Garlic may help fight off the cold and flu.

Garlic has the ability to boost your immune system by increasing the rate at which your natural killer cells are made. Natural killer cells are a fundamental part of your non-specific immunity which is needed to fight viruses that cause colds and flu symptoms. Increasing the rate that natural killer cells are produced means that these cells will kill off all invaders without the specific targeting that antibodies use to kill pathogens.

4. Garlic lowers your blood pressure naturally.

Garlic contains a compound that has the ability to decrease platelet aggregation. Less platelet aggregation means your blood cells are able to move more freely through your system and means less work for your body to pump the blood through your body.


For ideas on how to incorporate more garlic into your diet, click here.:


 Denise Boyd, BSc, Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RNH) with a specialization in Cognitive and Immune Support.



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