November's Instructor Highlight: Catherine Summerlee

 Catherine Summerlee


From the moment I started reading articles about Pilates, I felt that it was what I was looking for and that the ideas behind the method made so much sense to me.

I was so excited when Caitlin’s sister, Ahme, opened the first dedicated Pilates studio in Guelph and I became one of her first clients. I was not disappointed and in fact became so totally hooked,  that when Ahme offered her first Teacher Training course I signed up right away. My learning curve was steep but well worth the effort. It was making even more sense to me, the more I learned and practiced, both in my body and in my mind.

What has Pilates done for you?

It’s really taught me to tune in to the way my body moves and to tune out all the distractions.

It’s also turned me into a fascinated student of movement generally

What do you like about working at Pilates in Guelph?

 The colleagues, the clients, the physical space, the positive atmosphere.

It feels like we’re all working towards common goals.

Take a class from Catherine on Thursdays at 9:15 Core Reformer and 10:30 Reformer Precision




November Equipment: Gertie Ball or Pilates Ball


September 2018 30 Day Challenge. Mark your progress!