Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Fall is often associated with everything pumpkin and with good reason. Beyond its delicious taste, pumpkin is nutritious and linked to many health benefits. Below are some impressive nutrition and health benefits of pumpkin.

       Pumpkin’s High Antioxidant Content May Reduce Your Risk of Infections and Some Diseases

 Free radicals in your body create oxidative stress, which has been linked to chronic illnesses, including heart disease and cancer. Pumpkins contain antioxidants, such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. These antioxidants have been shown to help neutralize free radicals, stopping them from damaging your cells.


Packs Vitamins That May Boost Immunity

 Pumpkin is high in beta-carotene, which your body turns into vitamin A. Studies show that vitamin A works to strengthen your immune system and helps fight infections. Pumpkin also has high amounts of vitamin C, which has been shown to increase white blood cell production and help immune cells work more effectively. In addition to these two vitamins, pumpkin is also a good source of vitamin E, iron and folate, all of which have been shown to aid the immune system.


         Incredibly Versatile and Easy to Add to Your Diet

 Pumpkin’s naturally sweet flavor makes it a popular ingredient in dishes like muffins, pies and pancakes. It also works in savory dishes such as roasted vegetables, soups and pastas. The seeds are edible and packed with nutrients which offer many other benefits.  Although pumpkin is healthy, many pumpkin-based junk foods — such as lattés, candies and pie fillings — are loaded with added sugar.


For more recipe ideas beyond the PSL, click here


Denise Boyd, BSc, Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RNH) with a specialization in Cognitive and Immune Support.



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